Ras Mohamed


I am an American expat living and working in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.  I am a diving instructor and guide in one of the best places in the world: The Red Sea. Sharm el Sheikh is a great place to be a diver, there are hundreds of dive sites offering all kinds of diving with easy accessibility.

Sharm is also situated in a visually stunning location, sandwiched between the Red Sea and the Sinai Mountains so that when driving down the road, it’s impossible to not be distracted by the scenery. The more time I spend in this stunning place the more I learn about this ancient land and it’s people–from expats, Egyptians, the Bedouin and all those in between that have claimed this place home. This blog will touch upon a variety of topics from travel and discovery, diving and the diving life, and living and working in a foreign culture.

I hope this blog will give you some in depth information about Egypt as I am experiencing it.  I welcome your comments and questions!

11 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi, I love your blog and the layout is really nice with all the beautiful pictures. It makes me want to go there right now! Just wondering as I’m newto this, is this a custom layout that you had to pay extra for on wordpress? Looking forward to following!


    1. Hello 50yroldKid! Thanks for the compliment and guess what….it’s a totally free theme called Oxygen. You can try it out on your blog, but it does take a little work to customize. It did not start out looking like this. I’m always thinking of changing it also! Like your blog, good luck and most of all have fun with it!


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